Cynthia Tha
@CindyB70 · 3:26

#TellYourStory | An act of generosity that I witnessed...

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She saw a need tha needed to be met, and she went, and she sold a seed to meet the need of that homeless person at that time. And then we went further to another location, and she saw another need that need to be met. And she asked for more money, and she met that need. And I want to say altogether, it was about five homeless people. And then her portion got very little. And she was like, I don't have much money left

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb23 @ramya

Ruth Steinberg
@gardening · 1:14
And I really was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to pay for this anyway. So I went up to the counter and I was giving my substory, and I was just worried and afraid that they were going to say to me, oh, well, it's been doubled or tripled at this point anyway. And the woman was listening. And then there was a man that came up and was in the window next to me paying his, dealing with his business
Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:29
And the very fact that she's continued this act of kindness into adulthood speaks volumes about her character and the values that she holds dear. And it's amazing how something as simple as showing love and compassion to those in need can really make such a difference in someone's life. You're absolutely right