chris miles
@chrismiles · 4:53

This week program we are callijg the SPLC and ADL

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Like, we match all of the codes and the curses of what God said would befall the children of Israel. Yet you have the people walking the earth that match none of the things or none of the things that God said would happen to the children of Israel. And this is why we're going to call the ADL, because when the conversation comes up, the ADL and Jewish interest groups will say, well, you're antisemitic. When you go look up that word Semitic

This week we are callijg the #splc amd thr #adl, on their description on how thet conclude to Blacks Violet for antisemitic.

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:55
I just want a conversation so we can understand. I can't speak from what the news feel because I'm not Jewish. I'm not going to try to also trace back to the original origins of Africa. And I'm not trying to do I'm just really trying to get an understanding, because it's a lot of talking