
Doing what you have to do

I know a lot of time in life things get a little crazy and we have to do what we have to do. If you have a situation with a person at work, you ignore that and you do what you have to do. Even in your personal life. You just out at the grocery store and one of the workers is being a piece of work. You do what you have to do and you ignore that whole situation

Doing what you have to do

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:03

#motivation #choice #mindset

But if we can just build up our sensory awareness to who those people are, I feel like we develop much more momentum and are able to go further in a shorter amount of time. And it's not about the distance we cover metaphorically. It's about how we feel as we're going that way. That still definitely correlates with who we allow in our space as we go that direction