Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:54

Why are we so judgemental?

It's judgmental on the house you have, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, where you work at, who you love, how you love. If you have children, what do you do with your children? Mom, dad. Oakland's. Aunts. Strangers. We live in a time now where strangers treat us better than people we know. But even those strangers will judge us on the first look. They always say that the first impression

#askswell #judgment

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:58
And the fact that people haven't been calling people to the mat on certain things, it's the reason why this world is in so much trouble as it is in now. For instance, this whole alphabet soup movement, right? And them telling women who are naturally born women that they have to be called cisgender. And then women who men who are transitioning to women, they can be called women or trans women