I'm blessed. Yeah, I'm all that, I guess. But in reality, when we're going through something and we're struggling, we are not okay. And it's okay to not be okay. For instance, in my life right now, I got a lot going on taking care of my son with leukemia. I'm taking care of my father, who has mental health issues, but he's a lot better. I'm running my household


Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:06
We need to let people know that we're not okay. We need to be open and honest about that so that we can get the help that we need or the encouragement that we need. I just pray today that you have a wonderful day because you have a lot that's going on in your life. And even if you didn't have a lot that was going on in your life, I still pray that you have a really good day because prayer is free
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Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:32
We don't know how the receiver of that question will respond. But if someone asked me if I was okay, my first feeling is gratitude for even being asked. Because most of the time we are so busy caring for others and maintaining a whole list of responsibilities that we forget to ask ourselves, are we okay to look in the mirror and ask ourselves are we okay? Without any expectations of a response?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:36
And they won't let me go until I say something, until they can offer a hug or something. And I'm so blessed at this moment because, like I said, I don't know if I said it, but it's been a hard year with losing three siblings since 2022. And just the stuff, Kitha, my mom and my son, I don't know where Angela even fits in there. My therapist is like, what are you doing for you?
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 1:05
I can't even go into detail about what's really going on with their situation because my mom gets upset with me when I share things. I've got aunts and cousins across the country on social media, and it's the primary way that we keep in touch. I I also have to remind myself to ask how others are doing. Initiate prayer with them. Don't just say that you'll pray for them, but actually pray with them. Show that you care. Bye
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Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:00
And also, I want to say that people come to you because they feel safe with you. You're gifted in communication and trust. And I'm the same way. So I would often wonder why people don't ask me. But then one day I was like, you, know what, I am here to help people. And if that's a gift that I have, then I'm going to keep giving it no matter what. So thanks again for commenting
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:55


And then people came to our house for insight, and then my friends came to me, and it's just been how things are. But, yeah, we have to be so grateful. We have to think about the things that we have because stress is going to come. Everybody got stress. It's just different levels of stress. If you say you don't got stress, you're lying to yourself. Everybody has stress
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:20
Hey, I just want to say that I really did feel your energy, and I feel your emotion is very strong. And it's okay to be emotional. It's okay to have your moments of breakdown, of thinking through, of shedding a tear. If you want to close your bedroom door or if you want to cry in the shower, it is okay to do it
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:49


It's always someone they're judging, but it's a good place for not having your family, in other words, to listen to your things. You kind of can talk to people that you don't know, and then you can bond that way. But if you are a person that expresses yourself on social media, I mean, that's just how some people do. That's just how they express themselves. So if that's you, then continue to do
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:15
Thank you, Keith, for presenting this. A lot of us are not honest when people ask us if we're okay. And some of us, we want to be honest, but the world will use the word complain, and so you don't want to say anything. And I definitely know how that feels to the point where I just, um. I don't talk about certain things anymore because I'm not free to talk about it. So
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:22
But I was just like, no. And I broke down, and she told me she'd be praying for us. And I left and went home. And it was a hard night. It's a hard night. And I think there was a weekend that we found out on a Friday, and so we were home for the weekend. And I remember coming into the office because I was out a lot because he was in the hospital
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:00


Well, Keeta, thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm sitting here thinking that I don't know what state of mind I would be in if I were in your shoes, if I had a child going through that. And I know you've mentioned your some before, and that is just so sweet that everyone came together just to bring you positive vibes and prayers. And whether we know it or not, that puts us in a good space