Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:12

Whats your addiction?

For instance, I'm from a small town and there's a lot of people who don't leave. They say they want better, they want more opportunity, but they're scared to leave family or they're just scared to start fresh because they're addicted to their surroundings. There's many type of addictions, but just kind of want to hear a little bit about something that you're addicted to that maybe is not the norm, let me know

#askswell #addiction

Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 3:32
You first and foremost, please forgive the noise in the background. It seems that they are mowing the lawn across the street at the graveyard where I live at. So this is a very bad word I try to stay away from because as I was listening to you and I believe that you can be addicted to a number of things that word don't have to be used for people that's addicted to drugs or alcohol, whatever the case might be, or even food
Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:36


I keep grinding away. I keep at it. I don't quit, I don't give up. So if you want to call that an addiction, I guess that qualifies. So I'm a very driven person. I'm self motivated. There are goals that I want to achieve and even if I don't ever actually achieve it, it's worth going through the grind because you never know, it could happen. Even if it doesn't