Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 7:29

Respect/safety over love?

It is what it is, and I'm going to be right there for you to make sure that you are good and that we are good. But relationships have a lot of openness and it has a lot of boundaries that people don't discuss. But all in all, for me, in a relationship, you need all of that. You need respect, you need safety, you need love. You need love

#askswell #relationships

The Peace Program
@luisangel789 · 4:55
And as I mentioned, as a perspective on my own mindset, I really didn't have anything to contribute to the opposite sex. But there were women that would come into the picture. There were women that would come into my life, but basically they were, as they say today, toxic type relationships
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:50
I think from a man's perspective, respect without love for you has a functioning relationship in a way that love without respect does not. On the former, you're still considered. When you have respect without love, you're still considered a man worth working with, a man worth following. If you share finances together, a household, children, that is very important. Whether or not the love has gone. If there's love without respect, you are essentially a child or a burden or
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:58
It's going to be hard to work together, especially if you're running an entire household together, whether that includes kids or share property or share time together, it will have this more combative nature, rather than a cooperative one, or one where you can ease into each other. And in a sense, I feel without the respect, eventually they don't see you as a man so much as a boy or as one of my other friends put it, as a guy
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:16
And I actually just had this conversation with one of mine, my friends tonight, saying that people like people who are committed and dedicated, but they don't want to do the work to maintain them. And what I meant by that is that that woman who has respect for herself and respect for other people, she's not easy. But the easy is what people do, because they know that nobody's going to tell them. They're going to put up with different things
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:49
By that, I mean I want to be able to help him and I want him to respect me and allow me to love him by providing a safety. A safety for him and allowing growth and to push him and to guide him. And I want the same on my end. But I agree with you. When a man doesn't do what he says he's going to do, or he doesn't hold up to his end of the bargain that he said, it does cause you to