Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:44

A scientific fact that puzzles me

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So today's, well, prompt is a scientific fact that has always puzzled me. And I've always wondered why the planets never move. Like they're all aligned. They've always been that way. And how come they don't move or swing or rotate somewhere? And how did they just get rid of Pluto? Like, I mean, I read about it, but it still doesn't make sense to me all these years later. Now it's not a planet

#tellyourstory #swellprompts

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:43

How the Heck We Get Rid of Pluto?!

He has a book on the future of humanity and he's a futurist, this japanese guy, and I'm wondering if any of his books have a scientific way to explain it. Because by me being spiritual, I have my spiritual insight as to why the planets are the way they are. I call it a decorative dresser of the universe with all these beautiful jewels that God has placed before us just for its awe and beauty

@Chey @BunBunsBookPick

I am fascinated by it, but I don't know. My confusion about space is like, apparently at one time, this was a thought entertained that the universe rotates itself, right? If you look at all sorts of things in science, we can see rotation happening everywhere from the molecular level to tornadoes and hurricanes, know, planets rotating to the solar system, galaxies, et cetera, et cetera. Why not the universe?
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 3:44
But getting back to our own galaxy and solar system, our galaxy is spinning. Everything in our galaxy is spinning. The galaxy is spinning, but at the same time it's careening through space. Our galaxy is like traveling through space because the universe itself is expanding. One thing I never understood is they say the Earth spins on its own axis at about like 3200 mph, something like that. But when you look at the earth from outer space, it's spinning very slowly
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:35

@montoblanco @SeekingPlumb

But it's still, when I say this solar system, I don't know. It'll still be included because that's how I learned it. But I guess I have to get with the evolution of it all. And I really like the explanation that was provided in regards to how the planets stay in alignment where they're at. I appreciate that
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 1:56


You. Wow, this is a great channel. I really learned a lot. But yeah, just from what I'm hearing, you all talk about definitely the earth and also the universe is spinning and it's spinning so fast that we are having all type of different atmospheric pressures and meteors and things like that. But it's almost like imagining that things are spinning out of control, yet they're staying in place
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 1:15


So it's probably shifting all the, you know, that's probably what they're saying here a little bit. But this was summarized from Loc. Gov and Britannica. Okay
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:41


Hi, Doras. Thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. You just taught me something new. I mean, I looked into it, but I have definitely have a better understanding of why they decided to x out Pluto as a planet. And I appreciate you actually doing the research. That's what's up. But I'm glad that you also enjoyed my channel, and I hope you stay tuned in
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