En Lighten
@chat_with_me · 4:35

Time rarely heals grief

It can be five minutes after you've lost or it can be 20 years later. When we talk about grief, we always hear time goes on, time heals everything. It'll get easier. And I just want to normalize that. It's okay if that's not the case for me. This month I'm remembering my mother who passed away twelve years ago. And I think of her all the time, I miss her all of the time. And many of those moments consist of me laughing

We’re often told grief gets easier with time. Grief and rememberance can be cyclic or change over time. Let’s normalize this. #mentalhealth #grief

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:56
I think everyone finds peace and copes with it differently. I'm definitely not here to respond and make it out to be like there's one way to feel better or healed from it. But what helped me the most through the process of grieving my father as a continuous journey is recognizing all the little things that reveal themselves in time and what I believe to be reflections of him
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:53
We all process our emotions and our feelings differently. Emotions, feelings. We process them differently, right? Some people feel like it's, whatever, and some people are emotional wreck. We don't know. But time does not heal all wounds. I think you just learn over time to accept that this may never heal. It will never go away. The pain is deep, like I said, it's in the fabric of your everyday being. And there's no word sometimes
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 3:09
It's definitely not oh, okay, this much time has gone by so I'm this much better. I've had this much space from the person or in a situation, so I'm this much better. Healing is definitely far too complex to be put into something that simple and that linear. So anyhow, my heart goes out to you. And again, I truly appreciate your realness in this message and I love the sound of your voice
En Lighten
@chat_with_me · 1:03


Hi. I just not read. I just listened to this message and I really appreciate it a lot. Made me cry, but in a good way. New to this app, but I've already found it. Really? Nourishing. So I really appreciate what you said in the analogy or the connection between loss in the sense of relationships, because that definitely is still a loss and it's also a process to go through. That's really helpful. But, yeah
En Lighten
@chat_with_me · 0:34


Hi there. I wanted to thank you for your response. It just was really beautiful to hear your insight and your wisdom, but also your different experiences and everything that you said really resonated with me, and it was very validating. So thank you for sharing and opening up and being vulnerable in that way
Tricia Londres
@Islandgirl · 4:51
I feel like maybe I can organize my grief and then I'll feel better. But that's saying that time heals grief, and no, it doesn't. I think that time allows you to grow in acceptance and not see grief as such a heart wrenching, gut, just emotionally draining concept, but rather, it's a process that needs to be done in order to move forward, and that will be the healing portion of it. This makes sense. And I miss them a lot every day