Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 2:33

RE/MEMBER - A wholesome horror movie | | Movie review

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And I'm not going to give a lot of spoilers because I would want many of you to go and watch this because it gives such a beautiful message in the disguise of a horror movie. It talks about those small things that we take for granted, about how you meet a person and then they just become a part of your life. They just become your habit. And you never even stop and think about how what life would have been if they were never a part of it, right?

RE/MEMBER (aka Remember Member) on Netflix is a new horror movie from Japan. It’s based on a manga and features a time-loop storyline

Ayushi Das
@Ayus_01 · 1:20
Hello, Charvi. This is ayushi I see you recommending some movies there. I am a great enthusiast of horror, psychological thriller and suspense movies and all the genres that relates to that. I search and seek for good movie recommendations from everyone sitting around me. Since you recommended me one, I would like to recommend you some of the thrillers of Spence movies as well as the light hearted one that you said you like. You can watch a girl on a train. That's a wonderful movie