
Episode 2 Kick Start Your Day

You can smell it, man. It's like an herbal symphony. Now, here comes the magic part. Okay, let those herbs steep in that hot water for, like, five to seven minutes, or even longer. That's if you're a fan of robust flavor. Now, once your tea has steeped to your liking, it's time to strain it into your favorite cup. Now, this gets rid of those herb bits and leaves and just leaves you with a pure aromatic infusion

A bush tea recipe that will give you energy

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:45

#wisdom #insight #medicine

And the two flavors I referenced that have lower calorie counts have less than ten, like eight or six or 8 grams of sugar, which is still a lot, but not nearly as bad as 30. Needless to say, this provides me a great insightful alternative