Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 5:00

How do you feel about marriage?

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So I was talking to people at work that were married, how they felt about it, how they currently feel in their marriages, things that they've gone through. I'm never going to tell anybody's business out. But needless to say, everybody always has very different opinions on the topic
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:52
If you can understand where I'm coming from, I don't have any interest in anybody telling me what is best for my children, what's best for my bank account, what's best for, how I'm going to continue to live my life out once I break away from this person. If marriage is supposed to be how it is, how we claim it's supposed to be, there should not be a way for me to get out of it besides death
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Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:59
Do I have so much going on? I really don't have time. I'm not willing not to be selfish because being married, you have to be unselfish. Being single, you can be as selfish as you want to. It's mine. My mind, all the marbles, all the crayons, all the coloring books are mine. They're not yours. And in a marriage, you can't really be that way. You have to listen to your spouse
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 2:35


But I really do feel like it plays a factor because sometimes when I have conversations with my parents who are my dad's in his early 60s, my mom is basically turning 60. And it's just different. They're different. I feel like people that are older are just in a different situation than younger people. I feel that things have gotten just worse. The respect is not there. And it's not just in relationships
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 3:40


So I think it is generational, I do feel, because, yeah, there's some people who are older that do not respect marriage, don't respect marriage. There are older people that I say don't respect marriage, but there are older people who basically kind of don't grow up. They're still in the mindset of I'm going to just do whatever
CinemaReel L.
@ReelTalker · 5:00

Spot on!

But I feel like you should go into it for those reasons where it's more legal if you're getting married for the hope that, like I said before, if you're hoping your love is going to be stronger as a result, then, yeah, you are doing it for the wrong reasons. It's like what you said in your swell that we are changing all the time
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 5:00
And at the point where you are deciding to get into a marriage, your entire perspective is to see and to protect yourself, protect your mind, protect your own heart, protect your own self, protect your own interests. It's all about that. But it's never about the question of what I can find in the person with whom I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. I can guarantee you this you can never find 100% perfect guy
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 5:00
I'm hell bent on this and I can put both my hands down and I can say that the purpose is not to deliver justice to you. Okay? The purpose is to make sure that you feel that you are getting justice. And that's exactly what happens in a contract relationship. On the contrary, if you have to think about really good relationship, if you have to think about really good marriage, then you need to ask the right questions
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 3:47
What is difficult is to sit down, get together, and figure things out. In any relationship, whether you are getting into an arranged marriage, whether you are getting into a love marriage, if the purpose is to accomplish a goal together, you will always figure out a way. There will always be a way that you will figure out. There will be no ego. As a matter of fact, it will not matter to you who says sorry when there's a fight
Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 3:17
Now, as far as not really knowing that person and the changes and stuff, I think that one, I can't ask my partner to tell me absolutely everything about them because there's things about her I'm sure she doesn't know just yet. As a matter of fact, I know it. And there's things about myself I don't know just yet because we haven't gone through every situation. But I think having the trust like that comes with that love
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:08
It saddens me that in this day and age, the younger generations don't want to be married. I understand why they don't, because they haven't really seen very good images of marriage on TV, on social media and things of that nature. And so people just don't want to get married. They'd rather just live together and call it a good day. And that makes me sad because marriage is really beautiful when it's done correctly