Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 5:00

A life that’s good…

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And it's not being rich or like how people brag about how much money they have or how much Louis Vuitton bags and red bottom shoes. It's not even like that for me. For me, it's when you have to agree to work holidays and weekends and work all these hours and you miss out on time with your children. You're not really seeing them get to grow

#life #family #memories #love #laughter https://s.swell.life/STrDDa3bC9BnnB5

Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 1:05


I just don't think we should look at it as a goal to have these things and think that they're going to make us happy, which some people do tend to do. I feel like as long as I don't have that financial stress, but I'm still comfortable in the life that I'm living. Meaning I could cover my bills and I can get the things that I want, not excessive things. I feel like that would make me happy. But no, being poor is not