Chad Mitchell
@chadmitchell54 · 3:04

Worried about inflation? Consider these moves.

So, for example, if you feel that inflation may be higher for a longer period than you once thought, you could request a hypothetical showing how you might need to adjust your investment mix to achieve your long term goals, given your risk tolerance and your time horizon. Now, if you're already retired, there are still some things you can do. You can consider part time work or consulting. Once you retire from your career, it doesn't mean you can never do any paid work again

As you know inflation was big news in 2022. And, while it may cool off in 2023, it’s still something to consider as you work toward your goals.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:20
But obviously, if you're financially secure and stable, then, hey, why take it if they can appreciate even more by the time you're 70? Interesting facts I never knew. So I really appreciate you sharing and I hope you continue to do so here on. So thanks