Catherine Illene Miles
@CattCoaches · 4:51

Talk about it Tuesday! Whats in your mind?

Relationship rules has its own page. You can follow me on Facebook there under relationship rules are rules our way. That is the main business page, the main coaching page. You can get a lot of information from there. I'm on Instagram. The tag on Instagram is cat coaches. C-A-T-T-C-O-A-C-H-E-S. Cat coaches on Instagram. Follow me on Instagram. I am actually on this new platform Threads, so I believe it's cat coaches on Threads as well. Catch me there
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:44

#inspire #coach #change #uplift

And I hope you keep posting quite a bit on here because it's pretty fascinating stuff and I know you got a lot of value and little tips and tricks that you're I don't know, something tells me you're just going to be able to provide a lot of innate value. So I hope you post often and I hope a lot of people see them as you do