Catherine Illene Miles
@CattCoaches · 4:38

Talk about it Tuesday!! When is enough, enough

Are there signs leading up to it? Are there warning signs? Is flashing lights going off? What's those lights, caution lights, yellow? Does yellow lights start blinking in your head, in your spirit, or you just get to a hard stop? I think for me, like, the caution lights be flashing, but I ignore them. You know how we do, right? The caution light is flashing yellow, and we drive through them anyway, right? I think that's me
Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:31


Which I think is doing a disservice to their kids. I enjoy the kids who get inheritance but don't necessarily use it or live off of it. They're more concerned with just being good people that I admire. So enough financially is when you're able to enjoy what you already own and your basic needs are continuously met. Like I said, you can buy groceries, you can buy gas, and there's no concern. Now, enough is enough with a relationship