Catherine Sheffield
@Cat_Sheffield · 1:14

Beautiful Are the Stretch Marks

Beautiful are the breasts that hang low that once were filled with warm, sweet milk for her baby. She treasured these intimate moments with her child as she enjoyed food that no factory could ever do duplicate. Beautiful are the abundant bellies of women who weren't afraid to enjoy the plentiful fruits of her labor who tasted and saw that the Lord is good. Oh, sweet woman, celebrate the signs of getting older for it is a privilege denied to many in this world

An original poem.

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:15
Beautiful are the stretch marks. Yes. And beautiful bountiful bellies. What a beautiful poem and a very powerful message. Thank you so much for sharing
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:39
I said, I want to be clear that if I was having hot flashes, I would tell you. I wouldn't deny it because that's a beauty. That's another transition of my body that I get to explore and learn and understand. So, yes, women, I say all that to say embrace the reward of being able to get older. There's someone who is 25 forever. That's how I explained it to my son
Catherine Sheffield
@Cat_Sheffield · 0:53


Especially because time really seems to speed up as I age and I realize that I'm in the third act of my life. I won't deny that I had a really bad midlife crisis a few years ago. It took a lot of research and soul searching to get through it. Thankfully, I'm on the other side of that now
Catherine Sheffield
@Cat_Sheffield · 1:54


You know, I like what you said about, you know, women altering their bodies. It's like the beauty industry makes money by making women feel like they can be beautiful if they're using a certain face cream or if they're using a certain injection. It's like, you know and a lot of women are vulnerable. They're vulnerable to thinking, yeah, if I use that, I can be beautiful in all this, and they're really beautiful already