Cartips Diva
@cartipsdiva · 3:07


Hey, hey, hey. What's going on, my car tips divas? Listen, I wanted to pop on really quickly because I had an inbox message from a young lady wanting to know how she should negotiate in buying a car. She is buying her very first car this weekend and needed some advice. So my advice to her and I would share it with you guys do your research. Make certain that you do your research before you go into the car dealerships

#cartips #newcar #leasing #carbuying #credit

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:16

#cars #truth #insights

Hey. This is epic. I love the thoroughness that you thought through with all this. I had never even I've bought a car. Bought a car twice, and once was in the last three years, but I never would have expected somebody to try to, like, haggle you and confusing you with monthly versus annual payments or I'm sorry, monthly versus overarching cost