shay butter
@butterz · 4:59

Warning: LANGUAGE! Just chatting and doing the most… future plans.. random chat

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But anywho, yeah, music is like I love to sing, I love to dance. So reacting to different songs, dances, whatever, funny comedy videos, movie trailers, I don't know, new music, et cetera. So I'm trying to get that together. I've got a lot going on right now in my life. I'm going through a little bit of a change and we're not going to go into that, details of that. But that's a whole nother beast

#newstuff #reactions #whatsnew #chillin

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:17

#doit #makemoves #sendit #reactions

You. Hey. I love the rawness, the real authentic drive of this post. You've seemed like you've you captured that well, the authenticity. I think you just speak from the heart and from the mind. And so I kind of want to agree with your friends and say that you you wouldn't I feel like you would also be really good at reactions or, you know, just kind of helping people feel and think for themselves in ways you kind like giving people permission
shay butter
@butterz · 4:44


It's definitely going to be a good co op thing that has endless as far as right now, I can see maybe not endless, but various ways that you can branch off and do other things and do other things with and you know what I'm saying? Like people can have their own merch line or whatever the case may be, whatever these people want to do