shay butter
@butterz · 4:58

A genuine weird funny friend has been made.

I get in my car, I get home, I end up randomly commenting on some person's story and made like a whole goofy ass friend out of this slick comment that I had. And it was just a genuinely wholesome experience to sit there and laugh my butter off like gut wrenching, like wheeze, laughing, okay, with this guy over Facebook messenger. And we had been friends for a while on Facebook

#Friends #prayer #meditation # language #YesiCussALittle #SorryNotSorry #Randomaf #WeirdosUnite

shay butter
@butterz · 5:00

#positivity #Random #longwindedfornoreason 🤣

Every conversation I have, this person is pretty much some kind of hysterically funny line gets thrown in there somewhere and it's just like, man, it's like effortless to him. And I see this stuff and I was telling him, I was like, man, you would be an excellent, excellent comedian. Like, literally all you need to do is boom, boom, boom, boom. Start posting, create social media, the whole nine, you all know