Thinking back to my childhood again, I remember distinctly the first time that I had to take a bus to elementary school. I didn't know what to do because no one told me what to do, I got on the bus, and then I didn't know what to do when I got off the bus because no one was telling me where to go or what to do

Did you always follow the rules? If not, why?



Like, for instance, the park closes at whatever hour and don't go in there after dark or whatever that hour is. And so he's like, so if I cross over this line in the pavement, does that mean I've now committed a crime? And I go further across that line, is it a bigger crime?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:56
But for me, I think at a young age I kind of understood rules as a means of like, what can I get away with? So I guess I am a rules breaker to some extent now, not to where I have a criminal record or I'm like a sexual registered predator or anything like that. But I have learnt some degree that rules are meant to be like to find it, to find the boundaries of so a lot of great creativity can come from boundaries, can come from rules
Bunny Aug
@BunnyYojimbo · 1:17


And to that extent, if you sit me down with a piece of paper and tell me to draw anything I want, I'm going to just sit here and stare at the wall. Because when the world's your oyster, how do you pick something to draw?
Bunny Aug
@BunnyYojimbo · 1:56


So regarding jaywalking jaywalking is illegal in the United States, too. I didn't know if you were specifically talking about jaywalking is illegal in Canada versus America, but it is illegal in America. And I will always go to a crosswalk and cross on a crosswalk if it's anywhere within sight, even if it inconveniences me


So, like, if I want to cross the road, for the most part, I will turn my back to the road and look away until it's very clear there's no cars coming. Then I'll turn around across because I don't want all of those cars stopping. To your point, I heard someone say they were a lawyer, and they said that laws are put in place when we haven't, um, internalized morals