lynn figone
@Bullmama · 5:00

Keeping promises part 1

There was a lot of time spent not really digging my dad, and that's cool. But upon having this conversation, I think for him, he was trying to not clean the slate, but try to tie some things up before he started losing his faculties, so to speak. And he made me promise him one very important thing and that was not to come home. Not to come home and sit and brood and feel sorry for him

Having to keep a "normal " promise id hard enough but what if your asked to do something you don’t agree with?

lynn figone
@Bullmama · 5:00

Wait, theres more…

But the thing is, I don't live down the street. I don't live ten minutes away. I don't even live in the same state. I live in a different time zone, and I have an active life. My kids are going to college. They are embarking on their lives. And my dad was super steadfast about the fact that he doesn't want people to start mourning him while he's still alive. He wants people to live