lynn figone
@Bullmama · 5:00

Keeping promises part 2

So these people who I don't give two s**** about, yes, I'm a little angry because it makes me mad. Started passing judgment on me when they did not know the full story, when they had no idea what was really going on. And of course, because of the wonders of social media and instant messaging, I am hearing about this from people who I'm not that close with, but yet they felt the need to let me know what was going on

You dont know what you dont know

lynn figone
@Bullmama · 5:00

And so it goes…

And I do have some pretty cool family members, but the ones that chose to talk, that chose to still continue to speak on things that they do not know, these are allegedly family members with the same last name who think that they know but they really don't. It's kind of like that. You don't know what you don't know