Dr. Tee D.
@BTWNLVRS · 3:15

Let’s talk about LOVE

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Hello, hello. You are listening to the Between Lovers podcast with Dr. T. Welcome. So I just want to talk about love a little bit. We often hear this word, use this word, absorb this word, but is it possible that the word is being misused? Oftentimes I hear people say how tired they are of love and they don't want love and boo to love. But is it love? Is it love that we're actually speaking of? Or is it attachment? Is it infatuation?

#btwnlvrs #relationships #couples #marriage #mentalhealth #dating #datingafter30 #growth #healing #motivation

Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 5:00
I've been married and divorced, but that don't stop me from knowing that I'm a wife. Knowing that I got love to give and support to give and a journey to go on with someone. Even in the dark times, the bad times, I'm going to love them through it. And we have to understand everybody don't love the same. But if I don't tell him my requirement of what I need that helps me to feel love from him, he'll never know
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Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
All of them, they ain't ready for me. Or millions of women? They ain't ready for me. Yeah, it's me. But see that's the patience and that's the humility I'm going to need in the relationship. Because it takes love is courageous. Because if you want unconditional love you have to let go of your conditions and you have to heal and let go of all past hurts to let the person that's in your life right now have a fair shot
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
And some people are like, I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore. Nah, you missing that infatuation. You missing that lust from the giddy up. That wasn't love. That was an indicator. If you think that's love and the reason why you're not in love with me, because you don't feel that, then you need to understand about this decision