Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 17: Grief and Emotion

And then you have to come between that crossroad of whether or not do I still do this because I love it? Or do I know that once I close this window, I'm going to be by myself. And that'll be the next topic for tomorrow. But that is the biggest scare anyone could ever have. That right there can scare almost anybody because yet again, you don't know how to grieve. It took me a while for me to grieve

#express #embrace #mentalhealth

Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 4:01


But also it just allowed me to look at it in a different light and to be able to understand and learn of what it means to have the emotion. And also, it can intertwine with that grief. Sometimes when we grieve, we tend to be strong by that other person, so that way they can grieve and we'll do ours later. But that's the same thing