Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 4:59

Daily Drive 240: Sun Rise to Son Rise

But not a lot of people realize that when a sunrise comes around midnight, essentially it's a new day, right. And then that goes to the same purpose of what yesterday was, an Easter and Jesus dying for us. Right? And I'll go ahead and preference this we're going to get for those who are spiritual, you're more than welcome to listen to it. If not, I completely understand it, but just getting more in depth into what we go through, right

#light #mental #spiritual

Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 3:44
And there's just been really some dark days since the passing of my mom. And it's really, like I said, it's fascinating that you posted this because it's been really on my mind of how I'm reacting to this and how am I being strong and seeing, seeing and navigating, like I said, through these trying times, because they really are. And. But, you know, I saw my mom's death as something very positive and beautiful