Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 165: Truth in the lie

And if you have, how bad was that lie? Was it like a white lie? Or was it the lie so devastating that you just sat there and you were just like, really? You just really had a head scratch moment. But then also, you got to realize, too, there are times is where you listen to a lie and then there's truth in that lie, right? So really fast, I'll just go ahead and say it like this is ask yourself these three questions

#mental #emotional #free

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:08
Hi, and thanks for the invite. I know I'm late replying. Apologize for that. It's been a long day. But anyways, anybody who knows me will tell you that I hate liars. I hate liars. I tell many people that we can have a disagreement. We can talk about it, we can get past it. But there's two things I won't tolerate. If you lie to me or if you disrespect me