Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 76: Dear Dad

You want to bring that male energy to the relationship because you're saying, oh, happy life, happy wife. No, it's happy house, happy spouse. Both the father and the mother or both the man and the woman should be equally collab, whether it's 100, 100, any sort of those numbers, right?

#mental #fathersday #healing #change

Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 4:58


I'm hurted by it. I'm distraught. And you didn't want to spend that time or want to sit there and say, I miss you as not only a son, as my first born, but just a fatherless child is something that I don't ever want to see happen. And like I said, I forgive you because the first person to forgive is the bravest