Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:17

This Day in History: Stories of Resiliency

article image placeholderSan Francisco's bubonic plague epidemic has eerie parallels to modern day
So it made me think about San Francisco recovering in those 30 years and what I imagined to be a momentous occasion when the Golden Gate Bridge opened and it made me curious. Do you have any stories about cities, countries, towns that are recovery stories in history or stories that you immediately think about when you think about inspiring moments in history, of resiliency or of healing. Those stories are really powerful for me right now

#sanfrancisco #bubonicplague #goldengatebridge #inspiring #stories #covid19 https://bit.ly/3gTKIsO

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:13

For the history nerds out there 🤓 https://bit.ly/2ZJF1ba

Also for you history nerds out there. Here is a link that talks specifically about the history of the bubbly plague in San Francisco. I really found this article interesting, so I wanted to share it as well
I thought those
@ThoughtsByMe · 1:55

#hiroshima #history #resilience From a wasteland to a symbol of peace

Hi, Rachel, thank you so much for this post. I'm a history fanatic myself, and I'm so glad that I got this opportunity to kind of pitch in with my perspective over here. So you have have so beautifully articulated this, and to me personally, the journey of Hiroshima from a wasteland to a city that is a symbol of peace and an advocate of nuclear disarmament is one of the most profound stories of resilience, of the human spirit in all of history