
Book Recommendation of the Week- Day 1: Atomic Habits by James Clear.

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I read this book a few years ago, I think in 2019, no, 2018, and it has helped me a lot until today. I'm still applying the laws that I read in that book and they've helped me achieve some of my goals. They've helped me improve in some of the aspects of my life that I wanted to improve. And so I'm here to share the knowledge that I got from this book with all of you. I'll give you a brief summary

As part of my health and wellness content, I will be giving book recommendations every week. #mindfulness #mentalhealth #self-improvement


#TheFourLawsOfChange. Find more information on [ https://jamesclear.com ][ https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits-summary ]

My workspace has a little cactus both at home and at my job. So you need to make it obvious that, look, this is a place where we work only. There's no play when I'm this area of the house. And then you need to make it attractive. You need to associate your habits with positive emotions and rewards and avoid temptations and destructions that derail you from your goals
article image placeholderHi, I'm James Clear.