The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 3:36

Behind the Book: Analysing Mehak Goyal's Failure to make round rotis

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Now the budget, I'm sure you must have noticed this book somewhere, either on your social media or at one of your favorite bookstores. And you can just imagine the amount that must have been spent in marketing this book. And that's just not marketing. It's a literary carnival. The author has been doing TED talks. There are book reviews happening everywhere. There are author events at some brilliant bookstores which are very famous. It's like a multiprolonged approach to conquer the literary universe

#BookbotTheory #PoetryCollection #BookMarketing #Books #Authors

The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 3:10

What didn't work #BookbotSays

Every move that you make in your book marketing journey can lead to various outcomes, whether it is going to work for you positively or negatively. It is very difficult to comment with 100% accuracy, but you still have to make the most of what you have got. Well, that's it for today's literary adventure on bookbot theory. This is Namdita signing off. Remember, keep writing, keep exploring, and keep embracing the magic of words. Until next time
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