You. Hello, everybody. I just wanted to talk a little bit about a conversation I had with a friend about artificial intelligence and where that's going to be in the next five to ten years and how that's going to change our lives, specifically talking about people that don't have a job, that it's considered a high end profession, if you will, because I'm a little bit afraid that artificial intelligence is going to start just erasing jobs from the market

#AI #Future #Tech

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:49
I saw this funny meme online about, like, does every AI have to be a screenwriter, or can they be used to clean trash off of the ocean floor? And I'd like for AI to go in that direction too, also, or to replace factory work. I feel like in Sci-Fi books, that was kind of the dream to not have to do danger, ah, intense manual labor, and have time for other pursuits, other human pursuits. But I don't know
Diego Guzman
@boldslayer · 5:00


You. Thank you for your insight on this. It's very interesting the perspective you have, because it's related to writing and how that impacts that field. I am a little bit more concerned on the industrial setting, also the creative areas as well. I love music, for instance, and I see how AI is impacting music. And like you said, it's really important is to know what's going to be done with it. And I was talking to somebody about this before