
Bobby Dsouza



Author Motivational Speaker Podcaster Musican - inspired 33 K people in person and 600000 people online #leadership #mindset #motivation #inspiration

Swells by @bobbydsouza tagged

Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 2:18
Flow like water I Inspiring words I Poetic expression I Bobby Dsouza

In the river's gentle flow, love mirrors its grace, Forgiveness in each ripple, kindness in every embrace #poem #inspiration #reflections #water

Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 2:18
How do some handle the most difficult situations courageously I Inspiration and Advice I Bobby Dsouza

How do some who have gone through the most tough times have still come out as winners and overcomers ? #courageous #growthmindset #inspiration

Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 0:53
Avoid This - Why Your Day Ends in Exhaustion & Frustration

You begin your day feeling "I am ready to do the best at work , why do you end up frustrated and unhappy instead ? #motivation #inspiration&advice

Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 0:10
How to Energize & Inspire Yourself Daily l Episode 2 l swell premium

Episode 2- Unlock daily inspiration and peak performance secrets in 'Swell Episode ! #inspiration #philosophy #growtindset #selfimprovement #success

Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 1:02
To Rise Higher You got to Dive Deeper I preview

If you ignore doing this you will continue facing emergencies most times #handlingchallenges #inspiration #interviewandtalks #growthmondset

Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 0:10
Episode 1 - How to Energize and Inspire Yourself Daily l Success Hacks ! Swell Premium

Unlock daily inspiration and peak performance secrets in episode - 1.' #Inspiration #successhacks #growthhacks #swell ~selfimprovement

Swell user mugshot