Amaurie Davison
@Blind_Master · 4:38

Join be my eyes and become a volunteer if any of you swellers are ever interested doing so. I would appreciate your support on this commitment. ❤️.

article image placeholderBe My Eyes - See the world together
Light bulb 120. Hey guys. I wanted to make a huge commitment real quick. I completely found out that there was a app for, for the blind community. It's called be my eyes. And um, it allows volunteers to help out with blind people if they cannot simply like, for example, they cannot see of what the color of this object is, or they even help out a person on a call or like a video of what they are actually looking at

https://s.swell.life/STjl9tKuneEHygn = Help a blind person see with the #BeMyEyes app - the app that connects blind people with sighted helpers!
