BeeFie Built
@BlameBeefie88 · 3:03

75 hard challenge 🥵(I hope i listed the 5 rules 🫠)

Definitely wish me much luck tomorrow I'm going to do a ten day check in. I guess I'll check in every ten days on here. It's crazy that last Thursday, I went to the doctor, and I had to get weighed in, and I had lost weight. And this morning, I thought I would just get on the scale, and the scale went up. And to me, that's heartbreaking for me. Do I know if the scale is reading right?

#health #challenge #support #75hard #wealth #change

Eboni Jarvis
@alexandriaej · 1:46
One thing I have learned is that a lot of times, depending on how you eat, like, if you're doing, like, a high protein meal plan, if you're working in the gym and building that muscle sometimes while you might see a gain on the scale, it may not necessarily mean it's a negative gain. It could be you're gaining muscle. So I know it can be super discouraging because I've been there. I'm always there sometimes, honestly
BeeFie Built
@BlameBeefie88 · 1:05


You. Wow. Let me say thank you for responding. Thank you for meeting me where I was. Because sometimes you talk to people or you discuss something with them and they're like, oh, yeah, don't worry about that. It's easy. You said, I've been there, I'm there. I know what it's like. I know what it feels like. So I thank you for just meeting me there, wherever that is