Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 5:00

Beauty in small, dark places

And I think it's a beautiful thing. And I think that there is beauty in what we can't see. There's beauty in the unknown. We would like to think that dark colors and dark places aren't beautiful because they're scary and we don't know what is going to happen with them. But it's beautiful because it gets us to step in our tracks and really recenter ourselves and really look at life in a different perspective
Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 4:43
My God seeks no judgment. My higher power is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. And I know that everybody doesn't believe in that kind of thing. But we all can believe in beauty. And we all can believe in hope and faith and believing that this too, shall pass. These moments will pass. Things will get better. Things will get worse. But we need to buckle up and enjoy the ride. So next time you're in a dark room or in a dark place?