Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 4:57


Would I stand by myself? Would I stand by what I said? The answer is yes, I would. Because when you're honesty and you're doing the right thing, morally, ethically, spiritually, you have to be okay with whatever consequence is going to come. Now, okay, you're thinking consequence as a negative thing. Not all consequences are bad. They're good consequences. But in this case, consequences would be a bad thing. And
Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 4:34
You. There's a saying, stand for something, fall for anything. And I had to stand by my word. And what I was saying in that meeting today, and I do, I stand by what I said because I know that what I was saying was the truth. There was no embellishing, there was no lies or extra verbiage in there to make it more juicy or more of a thing than it had to be. So I had to stand by my word
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:12
But it is good to act in that good conscience, even if it, you know, maybe, you know, there's some trouble down the line, I think. Yeah. It all comes back to that question of do I stand by it? And yeah, sounds like you did the right thing for you and the people around you. So, yeah, kudos for that. Thank you for sharing this