Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 4:41


And this week I've been tested immensely. I've been pushed to all new limits. I've gained a whole new perspective. I have such a greater appreciation and respect for those in the medical field. Doctors, medical assistants, nurses, all of you. I have such great respect for you all. And after a really trying day and trying week, I was closing up my computer
Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 4:13
And this week, being tested, I found out that I am really proud of taking that risk. And that self respect that I've gained this week has been huge. But I also realized that the people around me, the doctors, my coworkers, they all respect me, and they all embrace me. And they all thank me every day for my hard work. And I sit there and I almost giggle at the end of every night because I'm like hard work. What am I doing?