Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 5:00

Three kinds beauty

Whether that's super thin or big busted or really curvy, whatever we think that society says that we should be. But why do we try so hard as humans to please other people? I think that the most important person that we need to please in our lives is ourselves. If we don't love ourselves, then we can't love anybody in return. And I really think that's true. And so I really want to dig deep into this whole beauty aspect


Elena Avallone
@blacklacebeauty · 4:46
And it feels really good because I know in any other arena, if I was judged based on how I physically look, I can't say that I would be viewed the same way. I don't think that people would see me as beautiful. So I start relying on that inner beauty to carry me through. And, you know, I'm really glad that I made the change in work and that I let who I really am flourish in an arena that I've never been in. You know?
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:10

#pivot #newstart #rewarding

And I think more than anything, instead of how much weight you can gain or lose, it's about how much you can be authentically you. And I think that as long as anyone is being authentically themselves, who they showed up here as and are able to show up fully as themselves, then I think they're winning to some degree. And I believe in a society that is going to continuously reward people who do just that