Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:47

Five minutes in heaven

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I know it's seven minutes in heaven, but I don't want to hit on any copyrights. I just heard the reba version a little earlier today. But what if you had five minutes in heaven and you just had to say something to someone? What would it be? Mine. And I'm not going to go with go talk with my dad, my grandma, my dead brothers, because those are the obvious. So I want you to think hard on this

#whowouldyouseek #upnorthminimalist

If I could go to heaven for five minutes, I would find him and ask him why he hated himself so much and why he felt that he wasn't long for this world and why he sometimes attempted to take his own life. Throughout our childhood, he confided in me more than I ever confided in him
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Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 3:10


And then to the young man who's younger than me that died within five days of symptoms, yeah, he was obese. I don't give a flying fuck. When people aren't supposed to die, they're not supposed to die. And I'm sorry, suicide similar had a former student that during that time when those three mentors of mine, father figures of mine, all died from COVID this young student in his 30s, granted took his life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

I'm sorry that you went through that and that you lost those people, and now you're not well. I set the intention for you to get better. So I hope that you find that you feel better today and maybe a little energetic to give you a little bit of a positive vibe today and hang in there. Thank you for sharing with me your story
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:51
So if I had five minutes, my question I would ask I would seek out the Supreme Being, and I would ask the Supreme Being God. And I would ask, what was your purpose of pairing me with the mother I have? What is the lesson in it that I'm supposed to learn? What is the lesson that she is supposed to learn? Are we on target or are we way off? Because it's family relationships that requires a very technical dance and delicate movements