Ginger Coutain
@Biznesss_Mogul · 3:09

What is Juneteenth? Why should "we" celebrate such a powerful day?

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So the significance of it, what makes it so special, and I am grateful that it is a prevalent thing now, is because on June 17 of 2021, president Joe Biden signed legislation making Juneteen th a United States federal holiday after Congress passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act that same month. That is humongous, because if you think about during that time, june 19 of 1865, enslaved African Americans in Texas were told that they were free

#lifeisabundant #mindfulmonday #juneteenth #iamgingercoutain #sittinginmysoul #tranquility #peaceofmind #blacklovematters

Ginger Coutain
@Biznesss_Mogul · 3:03


Because I might not agree with a particular group or class or I might not agree with something that they did immediately, I'm learn and vice versa. So that is kind of showing that we still are not free. And it needs to just get to a point where everyone is equal, everyone realizes that we're equal and come together in unity and unison to actually make a difference and make the world a better place