Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:35

Everything is content- I ask, is art content too?

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You. The purpose of content is to be consumed and then moving on. You scroll. You get entertained, then you move on. You scroll. You are informed about something, then you move on. You scroll, you consume, and then you move on. The purpose of art, on the other hand, is to initiate a pause. You observe the art. You have thoughts. These thoughts multiply over time. They inspire you into what eventually becomes original thought


Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:14
You're absolutely right, you know, everything cannot be content. And art can't be content. Art is art. So thank you for sharing this thought with us. Have a lovely day. Bye


I should say there can be art in these things because obviously there's a lot of photo taking and a lot of videoing filming that wouldn't necessarily be described as art. So, yeah, I think it's complicated. I think you're right. There's some overlap. Sometimes they're the same, sometimes they're not
Meenu Kaur
@tailored979 · 4:17
Sometimes we may not be able to understand a particular form of art, probably a song or language or probably some strange kind of drawings or whatever, but still it has the capability to make us think over it again and again. This is like what I feel, I do not agree to this, that everything is a content. Art cannot be categorized as content
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:49


Wouldn't have worded this better myself. See, that's the thing. Creating. Say Mona Lisa. That's art. Taking a photo of Mona Lisa, probably content. Now, there's a lot of photos of Mona Lisa that exists in the in the museum, but some photos kind of stand out to you, right? Some photos which managed to capture the beauty of this tiny, tiny painting. And maybe that is art. Maybe that is content. We don't know
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 3:53


Mostly we are consuming content on our phone, laptops, TVs, things of the sort where we are incentivized to watch more. So even if maybe by chance you have created art and distributed it as content because of how it is consumed, I think oftentimes the power of that piece is maybe diluted, I won't say lost diluted. And that is why I kind of also agree with you in saying that everything is not content. Actually, a lot of things are content these days
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:02
I mean, just the paintings and drawings and the sketches? Or are you talking about, you know, music also, or videography also, or photography also? Is that art, too? So I think to answer these questions, a lot of essentials and components must be clarified first as, because these, both words, art and content, have a wide scope. So are we talking about them in its entirety, or are we just talking about particular aspects of them?


How are we going to remember them and carry them forward when there's just so much out there of any sort of art? I don't know. There's just a lot of questions here, but I begin to feel like I'm a little snooty about somehow some art being worthier than other art or. Yeah, I don't know. Just so many thoughts
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:59


I don't think you are being snooty or anybody is being snooty in valuing some form of art over another. That's how art operates. The beauty is in the interpretation, and no two interpretations are going to match 100%. If you like a particular type of art, right? You are going to rate it higher. Say you like Impressionist paintings and I like, say, cubist art, and we both are going to rate a particular piece of work
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 5:00


So I'm talking about art and content. In that regard. When I say art, I am referring to a pure form of expression that is not driven to an audience, that is not driven by an audience, that is not created for an audience. It is just expression. So it could be me writing some quote, it could be me doing a letter, me painting a picture, or me clicking a pick, or me making a video, or me making a very good PowerPoint presentation
Ravi Verma
@verra02 · 1:48
And that's how I look at art versus content. The debate, that simple lookout is what is personal to me is art and how the world looks at it. At a certain subject or a piece of object, it could be content. That's my view on this topic. Thank you
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:25


Thank you so much for sharing, and I apologize for the delay. I was doing, like a social media cleanse type thing. I am finally back. Looking forward to learning more from you. Thank you so much for sharing and thank you so much for providing the clarity. Love it. Also. Yes, I think that's also a mistake I made, which is trying to define something with singular, or rather, let's say a binary focus when that is rarely the case. Right?