Bhavya Arora
@Bhavyaaaa.78 · 0:54

My pet stole the show when....

And also we were all capturing the moment so that we never forget it. It was a surprise to all of us and we just found that day very lucky to see him like this. And I'm so attached with him. Thank you so much. I hope you liked a little small incident about him

#PetStory #spbpetst7 @gaurav1106 @taylor #TellYourStory

Gaurav Chauhan
@Gaurav1106 · 1:10
We were just too amazed from someone who couldn't even climb up onto the sofa or while she was running behind us as a pup, we would just jump on the bed and she was not able to do all of that. And now, coming to a point where she's doing this, it was just so fulfilling to see. But at the same time, you thinking that they're growing up, I somehow relate how our parents probably would have felt when we did something cute
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:49
Hi, Bhavya. When you said your pet stole the show and the moment you captured it so that you will recollect it or relive it, has a wonderful memory now, I could feel your emotion. I could feel the kind of love and affection you have towards your pet. And it's really great to see such kind of bondings, amazing affectionate things towards the pets especially. So I really loved it. And I really loved
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:03
That must be really cute. Thank you for sharing. Bye