Bhadra Rathod
@bhadra · 0:39

Who is God?

Who is God? God is the one who gives us a lift in this life which is a precious gift. He pulls us out of the pit and he helps over all the rifts except for his. There is no other shift, for he does prayers, swift, a blesses. Our relations are God's gifts, but my mind is thus. If all these are God's gift to me, whose gift is me?
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:55
The one who on simple call, just by reciting his name, he'll appear in front of you through the solutions he'll put forward all the ways that you can move and get the things done in the right way. So really, once again, thank you for bringing up this particular question. These are my views about who is God
Bhadra Rathod
@bhadra · 1:06


And in some way or the other he puts up the answer that this is the reason this problem has come to you or the situation you're facing. And truly I get the correct guidance for whatever question I asked. So I feel very happy that in some way or the other we are all connected to God. But it is only we who should under understand that what is the answer, what is the meaning and in which way God is leading us to
Bhadra Rathod
@bhadra · 0:22