be Gill
@betterthanbusy · 1:08

Why I joined Swell

Hi. So I decided to join Swell as a bit of an experiment because I want to start a podcast. But also I saw Swell in my Instagram feed, and I am a sacral authority in human human design, and I'm really bringing that more and more into my business. So when I saw it, I was like, okay, my cycle really lit up

#humandesign #sacralauthority #definedthroat

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 0:34
Welcome to swell. So nice to have you here with us. Join this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful community. If you're thinking about starting a podcast, I highly recommend that you do so. It's a wonderful experience. I've been doing it for two years now. I have over almost 400 episodes. Just do it. It's great. It's a great way to get your voice out there, to talk about different things or talk about nothing. Who knows?
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 0:34
Hey, welcome to swell. Sounds like you've got some really interesting ideas and you do some interesting work. I love how you think. So I'm looking forward to hearing you of Swell. I've came across you because I just introduced my brother inlaw to this app, invited him and he recreated in a group together and just for family. But I looked at his profile, I thought he was following you and I thought, let me see who this is