Can you afford to save your childs life?

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You can pop a benadryl and they can resolve on their own. But there are some allergies that cannot resolve on their own. And children are needing EpiPens. Epinephrine. Epinephrine is to stop your throat from closing up so you can't breathe. Anaphylaxic shock is what they call it for an EpiPen. If you don't have insurance, it's $690. Even with insurance coverage, parents are still paying hundreds of dollars a month on EpiPens. So let's say you have a grandbaby, right?


If you did preventative, then often it's a smaller thing to tackle, whether that's adjusting your environment or the things that you do, your food or whatever the treatment might be. Then you can't make as much money off of it, which breaks my heart for anyone in the US. Including friends and family, of how much they have to fork out and pay when it shouldn't be a privilege to be able to get health care of any kind for oneself or family member


So Medicare has a regulation on how much they can or a cap, it's a monthly cap on some of their medications such as insulin or blood thinners, heart medications and things of that nature. Now for Medicaid, that is, for those who are needy living 135% below the poverty level can receive Medicaid, which is usually the average working American does not qualify for Medicaid
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So you might want to limit the amount of environments that you feel you or your child would be exposed to those things that they are allergic to. Lifestyle change. The average person only gets a refill of EpiPen annually. We'll just imagine that it's, I don't know, 564,000,000 Americans that need an EpiPen at $690 a pop. And remember I was saying on my original post, I would want more than one. My grandbaby or my child would have had more than one
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I'm going to blame some sort of fluctuating hormones that I don't even know if they're happening or not. But it's so heartbreaking when anyone has to make a decision like that. I don't understand it. And especially, like you said, when COVID is considered I can't even remember the phrasing. I'm not thinking straight at the moment. I don't understand


Hello. Yes, this is very concerning for me, but there's always, you know, Good RX. I don't know if you've heard of that. It's a discount prescription card for those whose insurance, commercial insurance, might only cover 35% cent, which is still leaving the parent $300 to pay. But depending on which store you choose, I put that picture there. You can search different stores in your area for the different prices, cheaper
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4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:52

Drug Dealers in a nutshell

I doubt I can squish this into one swell. I'm very passionate about this because I hate big pharma, I hate the pharmaceutical companies. I think modern medicine is a complete and utter joke. It is not called health care. It is called sickness care, and it is only for monetary gain. They do not give two shits about anyone's life in general. It the FDA is a corrupt organization
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 5:00

Natural blood thinner

The biggest problem when you're a drug dealer is competing products. So here's the biggest thing with some of these drugs, and I have not looked directly into EpiPens or some of these, like peanut allergies or things where kids need to have stuff right away. But I do know people with asthma, most people with asthma are doing things that are eating things that they should not be eating. But so society says it's good for you
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 5:00

Do your research…

Knowing people, like, I know people currently that are on chemo and they're like, this is killing me. This is legitimately killing me. But they don't know what to do because they're like, well, the cancer is killing me, but this is definitely killing me. And they're like, well, maybe I should just have the cancer kill me because this chemo is killing me. I can feel it completely destroying my life now


Hello. Thanks so much for your reply to this thread. Can you afford to save your child's life? Can we afford to save our own lives? It's just one term that would just sum up western medicine, modern medicine today, and that's palliative care, meaning that they are relieving it symptoms instead of curing symptoms. I certainly hope that everything on this thread invokes others to research and get excited about being curious in regard to your personal health care, the personal care of your family members
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:32
It's. Thank you so much for inviting me to this swell. This is a wonderful swell. But do not get me started on pharmaceutical companies, because trust me, we ain't got time. But I'm going to try to wrap it up in this five minutes. Look, Epinephrine, like you said, it's about a dollar worth of medication in there. Let's just say it was $90 worth of medication in there, okay?
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Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:32
So if multibillion dollar companies and then Medicare, which is financed by the government, which has the money, pretty much doesn't want to pay these prices, why would a consumer have to pay these prices? Seriously, think about that. If Medicare will negotiate on their own behalf and say, you're charging me too much. This person had a Tylenol in the hospital and it was $56. But it's a $2 bottle of Tylenol that you can get off
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4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:23

@LadyFi Insurance Companies

The doctors know there isn't that much in population, so why are all these pills getting shipped in? So it's a combination of a whole bunch of different things. But insurance companies, a lot of this blame for it has to do with insurance companies. And most people don't understand how an insurance company works, what an insurance company is. You are buying into the stock market. So when you go and put in a claim, they have to go get that money from somewhere
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:47


I appreciated it because it gives everyone else, plus myself who's listening today, a good idea or at least a small idea of what insurance companies really have to go through and then other options that people can have to negotiate if they feel the prices that they're being charged are too much. So thank you so much for that information. Bye
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:45
We're not going to have him retested because we have had him tested three times since well, including when he was tested at age two, but two additional times since then, and the list grows, and we're like, damn, but if we get him tested again, it's going to be like, he's allergic to everything, including you. I'm like, oh my gosh, we're not going to do this. So we have had to carry an EpiPen since then


You. This picture says a million words. Thanks so much for your contribution to the thread. It's an amazing thread. Thank you


It's. Miss JL in the house. Thanks for stopping by. And I tell you what. Yeah. One for each area of life. Daycare, school, home, dad, because there's two homes. Don't forget me, Gigi. So I'm glad that he has not had any allergic reactions or any type of episode where he needed to ignite the EpiPen. Too bad we can't, I don't know, like, recycle them almost. What did you do with those pins?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:58


He's been to DC by himself with his class last year and he's being very responsible and I'm really proud of him and mindful of his own allergy. So we just have not been as pressed about it compared to when he was younger
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:56


And so the pharmacies here that I know of, or at least what they tell me, who knows what they do once I walk away from the counter, because I understand that there are third world countries that will still accept those type of things even if it is already expired. To my knowledge, working in compliance in the healthcare system, they are supposed to discard of it because it is expired and it is a liability to the company to still pass it out or give it out per se
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:37
And I love nuts, so I'd be eating and I forget that there's walnuts in the food and give it to her, and there she go, throat begin to close up. So it's a scary situation. And my second grandbaby, she's allergic to everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Chicken, everything. And her skin would break out
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Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:57


One at my mom's house, one at the schoolhouse, one with me, one in my car. I have to leave them everywhere because I got enough going on. Sometimes you forget things, and I'll never forget when I didn't have insurance and I inquired about this medicine and I was told the $600 price tag
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:21


Rent has gone up. I'm talking about one bedroom, one bathroom. At one point was about $2,000. Back in the day when we first moved to Florida, it was more like 700 something dollars. And as you know, as time goes on, things kind of go up because of the power of the dollar. But it goes up in ways that are absolutely unnecessary. And more and more people are falling behind because the average person is not making six figures a year


It's like a gong in my head every time of the phrase for the people, by the people as being such farce because it's really not for the people and by the people and how many are struggling all because of sometimes getting hung up on certain ideas of well, we must have freedom, and freedom must look like this, or we must have capitalism, and it must look like this, or we can't dare have socialism or anything that looks like it


Such as sometimes people are allergic to their pets, they have dog allergies, they have cat allergies and what they do is they get dander injected into themselves once a week, twice a week for the rest of their lives because they know that they have an allergy to the pet. So yeah, it has to do with like an immunity thing. Only other thing you can do is like avoidance. So I would say that that EpiPen probably is very well needed benadryl things of that nature
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4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:56

Its election season!

And the other thing about some of these drugs, and people should do research on it, when a drug gets rejected in the United States, especially the Gates Foundation, they just rejected because it's killing people or it's toxic or whatever, they package that up and ship it to Africa because we're humanitarians. We got to spread the love. I mean, Gates has to spread the love or whatever, because he's got to maintain his image


If you have other family members that have food allergies, that could be a niche for her, that can be an entrepreneurial blessing for her. So, again, Queen, thanks so much for stopping by. I've been seeing you around the Swell Cast community girl, looking all elegant and beautiful, always just sassy and jazzy. You are queen. Have a great Monday. Thanks for stopping by. And just check that immunotherapy out. Nothing wrong with researching it. It is a needle
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