Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:08

I tried to put the moon in a box

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He knew she would need to be a light for others to find their way simply by her being where God placed her to be. Lighting the way, changing the water's course every night, doing her thing by reflecting her king in her environment, a frame could never do her justice. In fact, it would be a crime to box her in to thoughts as narrow as mine. And while I dreamed the moon for my children, god placed them in my life to shine for me

#moon #daughters #mothers #acceptance #dignity

Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:19

#moon #reply #daughters #life

No trouble is too big, and no trouble is too small. We got to be open to listening in order to be heard. I am not as eloquent to speaking as I am when writing. I don't know why this is, but this is the way it is. So I can write and write and write
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Creative Reader
@MoonPoet · 0:36
Hi, Becky. This is Steven. You had me at the title with this one. The thought of putting the moon in a frame or in a box. And I also really appreciated the honesty and vulnerability at the end of the poem. To it probably took a lot to share this one, but I am glad you did and I'm glad I got to listen to it. Take care
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:59

@MoonPoet #grace #moonreply

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to what flows within my spirit and resides within my heart. I just appreciate the time taken to go through. I love reading what you've posted. I really enjoy that you reselled this first broadcast. Reselled and other people are being able to to see and grow an audience and impact and comfortability. I know I'm far less shaky now in my swells than I was in the beginning
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