Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:40

I tried to put the moon in a frame…

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Good morning. Swell family. Becky here. I would like to read a piece that I have written a few months back for my daughter. Send. The moon frame of thinking. Just like Pixie poet shared the invitation and the beautiful lolo flow who shared the pink moon whispers. And this to me fell along with that because the photo that I used was a purple moon. And this is the piece I tried to put the moon in a frame to fit within the parameters of my days

#moon #beyou #allowingotherstoshine

Creative Reader
@MoonPoet · 0:49
You're. Hi, Becky, this is Stephen. Happy Sunday to you. I wanted to reply to this one. I have been following much of your poetry and enjoying all the contributions for Poetry Month. This one I felt like replying to because of that idea of putting the moon in a frame is very strong. That idea affects me quite a bit. So, kudos. Top shelf. And thank you so much for sharing it and inviting me to share your work. Okay, bye