Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:25

Writing, Where do you begin? I start in the middle and work my way out

And one of my issues with writing is I never know where to start when writing. So I babble a little bit until I find the rhythm for my line. When I get it, I play intensely, writing what I know. Some things I'm proud of, others not so much. I usually write for a photo. I like to see what I'm delving into. The vision for me releases the expression and the expression in me releases the vision

#Begin #Writing process

Wehi 808
@storiesofhawaii · 0:49

#writing #books

Hello. Thank you for sharing this. When I write, I have the hardest time finding what to write as well, and it takes some time for me only personal stories. I'm not too sure how to do creative writing and all that or write an art coal of some sort or a book. But I just appreciate you sharing this because I do struggle with that as well