Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:29

Distance Poetry Month

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Good afternoon, skull family. Becky here from Visions expression and I just wanted to share a piece that I have written. One of the things that I have issue with when I write is starting the first initial sentences. Maybe about not quite the first paragraph because I usually pick it up by then, but the first one to three sentences. I have more of a difficult time trying to get started, trying to let things roll, trying to get a rhythm, trying to get a flow

#distance #poetry #month #poetrymonth

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:22
And you know, I published a couple of fiction pieces but those have been re edited and I'm glad because I was able to catch some, some things, some errors, some better plot points. But I definitely understand, especially when it comes to poetry. The first couple of lines don't come to me, but this poem here that you did, I absolutely love it. It's like a long distance relationship but the person is right there in front of you